Love and affection are often used simultaneously .

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Love and affection are often used simultaneously. These are both essential to build long lasting relationships. Relationships those have love and affection along with other things such as mutual trust, honesty and care are the best relationships. These emotions are not only essential for romantic relationships but to strengthen familial bond and friendships too. Love and affection are two different emotions though they often overlap. While affection can be defined as a liking for another person owing to the qualities he/ she possesses love is a deeper emotion. Loving a person means accepting them with all their vice and virtues. It involves caring for them and standing by them during their thick and thin. True love is selfless and pure. It does not demand anything in return. However, a relationship where the flow of giving and receiving love is in equal balance lasts longer and is more satisfying. Just as love is essential to build a long lasting relationship so is affection. Love without affection can make any relationship dull and lifeless. Showing affection towards the other person is of utmost importance. This is true for every relationship. It is the key to a happy relationship. For instance, parents love their children. They make sacrifices and fulfill all their duties and responsibilities towards their children selflessly out of their love for them. However, merely paying the children’s school fee, buying dresses for them and cooking food for them is not enough. Children long for love and affection. In order to develop a strong parent-child bond it is essential to spend time with them, listen to them, give them attention and make them feel loved. Where there is love there is affection and where there is affection there is room for love to penetrate. Love and affection often coincide and depend on each other. Both are essential for a loving and fulfilling relationship.

Writer Anshumala Das

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