Life is a struggle. It is a mixture of successes and failures.

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Life is a struggle. It is a mixture of successes and failures. Nobody can be sure of success all through his life. Failure can come in any venture and that sometimes most unexpectedly. A person, who loses heart after failure, is a lost soul. But a person, who takes failure in its own stride and continues his efforts for success, does succeed in the long run. The story of King Bruce is too well-known to need to be described. That is why one poet has said, Till at last you do succeed Try, try again!”. All the great men of the world- the religious reformers, the scientists and others were men of great determination. They had to face great obstacles in the fulfillment of their mission. But they persevered relent­lessly and at last they were able to achieve their aim. In life we find sometimes a man failing in one particular profession. But he suc­ceeds in some other field simply if he goes on trying to know where his real aptitude lies. Failure in one field does not mean failure in all fields. A man who does not lose heart and goes on trying, at last gets vast experience in various fields. At last a time comes when he gets success in almost all ventures. A stu­dent who cannot pull on well in one subject or discipline may change his option; he is more likely to succeed in the new field if he works consistently and under somebody’s able guidance. It is rightly said that failures are the stepping stones to success. They may seem worthless in their own way but they have their inherent value. A political party which is routed in one election may carry the day in the next poll. The same is the case with players on the play-ground, indeed, with everybody in life.


Every successful man fails at some time. Failure-tells you about your weaknesses, shortcomings, lack of preparations, lack of efforts so if you can manage to learn from failures, you will definitely reach where you started out to go. Making a mistake is not a crime, the ability to learn from it contribute to lasting success. Extract the lesson to be learnt from failure and try again with redoubled vigor. Facing failure make one strong, more wise and more resolute, spur them on to greatest efforts. There is no failure in truth save from within; unless we are beaten there, wear we are bound to succeed. ‘Failures’ means lack of preparation, lack of competitiveness, lack of analyzing the things properly. Failures not only tell us that we couldn’t prepare ourselves up to the level of success and reveal our shortcomings, but also give us encouragement to try again with more preparations, with more labour and with more hard work. Failures are the stepping stones to success. Every successful man has failed, not once but ‘ several times, in their life, but they analyzed the things in real perspective and tried again with more vigor and zeal and got success. Failures should not allowed to create frustration, desperateness or disappointment, instead failure should be taken as a boon which give you strength to fight back with fierce fortitude and invincible zeal. One who try, is always the better than the one who dare not to try, only a person who dares to try can have a chance of success. Blessed are those, who once failed, is a saying worth to follow. It means that the failures make us capable to evaluate our shortcomings and purge us to reach the higher ideals, higher planks. Abraham Lincoln failed very many times in his life, but never got frustrated and fought with more determination, with full devotion and became the President of America. Indian freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, saw face of failures not once but several times, but never daunted or became desperate they all had fought to attain the sacred goal of attaining freedom, and as a result, they attained it.


This proverb means that failures lead us to success. Failures should not discourage us. We should not lose heart in case we fail to achieve our objective. Failures have their own uses. They make us conscious of our weaknesses. They give us an opportunity to remove them. We try to find out the reasons for our failures and then make efforts to set them right. Failures make a man wiser. He learns a lesson not to repeat old mistakes in the future. No doubt failures are frightening. But there hardly anybody who has not tasted failure in life. Failures make man patient and serious. They bring out his latent qualities. In fact, success and failures are the two sides of a coin. They visit man’s life turn by turn. Where there is a rose, the thorn will also be there. Failure does not lie in losing a game but in losing one’s heart. Those who lose heart and stop trying further remain defeated in life. The pleasure of success after experiencing failure is invigorating. Therefore failures should not be looked upon as enemies but friends of men. Success and failure are the two sides of the same coin. There is not a single person who has not seen a failure in life. One should not feel disheartened at a failure but should try to learn from his failures. Failures are the stepping stones towards success. For example, a talented scientist becomes a famous scientist only after seeing a lot of failures. Similarly, Napoleon became the Emperor of France only after many failures. King Bruce of Scotland learned a valuable lesson from a spider which continued its efforts to go up the cave even after failing eight times. After the eighth effort, the spider finally succeeded because it kept on trying. King Bruce also made efforts and was able to win back his kingdom eventually. So basically, the thing is to try and keep trying until one succeeds. It is a failure rather, which motivates a person to emerge successfully.


Nothing that comes too easily is worth satisfying? When you want to succeed, be ready to pay the price for it, which include braving failures and setbacks and keep persistent with your efforts till the goal is achieved. The reasons of failure may seem staggering if viewed collectively but looked at individually, they will no longer be formidable. You can either be defeated or discouraged by failure or you can learn from it and analyze the causes of failure, remove them and endeavour again with all your strength and energy, it is sure30u will get success. Mere talking idle, day dreaming or aimless drifting will not take you to goal, but only divert your attention and dissipate your energy and strength. Hardships, obstacles, failures are the various moments in the way of success. They are not toA Child can seldom learn to walk, without making sustained and sincere efforts in the process tumbling and falling down a number of times. His failure never deter him to stop standing again. The doggedness in the child’s resolve lies in making any number of attempts to stand up and walk whatever be the pain or fear of fall. be evaded but to face them bravely, courageously and with double vigor. The failures are the real path-indicators of success. The failures give us clues to rectify our mistakes and tell us how to club our efforts in the right direction so that we get success one day positively.


Man is destined to face challenges in life. Obstacles and difficulties are hounds to come in the way of a person. But one who keeps on striving is crowned with success. Success is the result of hard work kind dedicator. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. A man who has not tasted failure does not know the value of success. A wise man has said, “Even if you fail time after time, do not lose heart, but go on trying till your efforts are crowned with success.” The brave has the confidence to welcome challenges in life. The inventions and discoveries are the results of hard work and regular efforts. Our freedom fighters underwent various troubles and hardships. Failure prepares the foundation for success in life. Success is always the result of hard work, firm determination, and dedication. Sometimes, your attempt proves to be a failure. But it is a natural phenomenon. It carries a treasure of invaluable price. Success and failure are two facets of the same coin. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Failure teaches us a lot. It reveals our weaknesses that should be overcome. It informs us about the problems in our work. It guides and inspires us to change the way on the right path. It reveals the weakness of our planning. A man who has not tasted failure can not know the value of success. He becomes very much self-assured: Most great men achieved success only after a long battle with failures. They learned from their failures. The brave has the confidence to welcome challenges in life. Failures should not result in pessimism. The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty. The inventions and discoveries are the output of hard work and sustained efforts. All the inventors and discovers met with failures on the way, but they never left their work in the midway. Efforts were kept on with further changes and improvements. Life-saving drugs are-results of enormous efforts of such types. Our freedom fighters underwent various troubles and hardships. They were brutally oppressed by the British rulers. Their movements and efforts could not get the desired results. But they continued their movement with enthusiasm. They ultimately succeeded in achieving independence for their country. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Little minds are tamed and subdued by failures, misfortunes, but great minds rise above it. We must face every adverse circumstance as its master and do not let it master us. Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their failures in the beginning. So failures are the pillars of success, stepping stones to success.

Jayaprakash Nayak

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